BackupBuddy – WordPress Backup Solution

Backups are extremely important when you need to make big changes to your website. In this article, I’ll tell you about “The Original WordPress Backup PluginBackupBuddy by iThemes.

They allow you to create an exact copy of what your website looks like, and if necessary, you can restore the specific status of the website at any time.

One of the biggest WordPress backup solutions you can use is to use scheduled backups, which are used by most websites today.

Backing up and restoring your website with a large number of plugins available has never been easier.

There are many reasons to back up and restore WordPress, and these include errors made when entering shortcodes, recovering security attacks, or carrying the location of your website.

Today, I will show you how to restore your WordPress website from backups using BackupBuddy.

Values of Backing up your site

Backing up your website has many advantages, and BackupBuddy can help you with every step of the way.

You should always back up before making a big change to your website.

This is a common practice because it guarantees that you can easily correct the mistakes made.

You may also be in the process of changing hosting and may want to back up your website when switching.

Unfortunately, sometimes the migration process is not as smooth as you would like it to be, and if there is a problem with your new website, you can try to restore it with your old copy.

Just make sure you’ve fixed the URL changes.

Security is a big concern for any website and you will always want to look for ways to improve it.

Attacks can disable your website for weeks if they are not handled properly.

If you restore your website, you can avoid all these downtime.

Use BackupBuddy plugin

Use the BackupBuddy plugin in WordPress. It is a premium plugin with many great features to back up and restore websites.

It has a very easy-to-use interface and is one of the best WordPress full site backup plugins available.

This plugin has been on the market since 2010 and is very well known and respected.

Before you start, it is extremely important to understand that this is not a free plugin.

You can buy BackupBuddy from its official sources.

BackupBuddy WordPress Backup Plugin from on Vimeo.

Why Backup Your WordPress Site & Protect Your Online Work?


Your WordPress site needs a dependable backup methodology that utilizes a confided in WordPress backup plugin like BackupBuddy.

WordPress does not include built-in backups, so in 2010 BackupBuddy to meet the need for a robust WordPress backup solution.

If you experience a server crash, even your host backup may not be enough. Other WordPress security issues include hacks, malware, user errors, deleted files, and bad commands.

All this can completely eliminate your WordPress site.

Having an up-to-date back-up of your WordPress website is crucial to protecting your website. BackupBuddy is here to help.

How to backup WordPress site using BackupBuddy

Image credit:

The advantage of a WordPress backup plugin is that it was created specifically to back up WordPress.

A WordPress backup plugin also allows you to make backups from your WordPress admin dashboard.

The selection in WordPress backup plugins ranges from 100% free options to premium fares.

They also offer different levels of features and support.

BackupBuddy is one of the most popular and powerful WordPress backup plugins, with options to back up your files and database to secure, off-site storage locations.

With the BackupBuddy plugin, you can make a backup of your WordPress site directly from your WordPress dashboard at the click of a button.


After all I think you’ll finally understand that “what is BackupBuddy“. If yes please buy this plugin through our link. In case of this we’ll earn an commission with charging you extra costs. With this plugin you can restore your site fully or partial.

Full website restore only needs when your site is not accessible form WordPress Dashboard, or may be crashed.

WordPress backup list
Image credit: As you’re seeing in the picture WordPress dashboard is accessible and you can restore your site to the previous section easily. by simply click on the restore button.

Don’t worry about complete websites restore with BackupBuddy.

If you want to restore or migrate your site to another hosts or subdomain you just need your (Example: this is the name of your file) file and ImportBuddy.php (what is ImportBuddy) file and also BackupBuddy plugin file (if you want to restore to another host or subdomain).

You can download this file from many ways like, Sync dashboard or directly from site source.

That’s all.

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The post BackupBuddy – WordPress Backup Solution appeared first on Easi Solve - Essentials Solutions by Shayan Ahmed

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