The Best Books That Every man Should Read

Incredible books are published every year, but over the centuries certain books have become a special attraction for men. Many of the best books for men clearly address themes of masculinity or fatherhood. Others are just old-fashioned page-turners. If you’re a man who likes to read (or the kind of guy who likes to read), certain books are definitely on your literary bucket list.

Upgrade your personal library by reading the best books ever written for men. Our list of Nobel Prize Winners and Pulitzer Prize Winners has everything from comedies and tragedies and exciting adventures to sobering comments about life itself.

At an increasing level of importance, here are the best books to read – every person must have really dealt with it when they grew up (and why). Still, don’t be too embarrassed if you haven’t passed each one individually. We’ll give you until the end of the week.

The Best Books Collection Listed By Easi Solve

  • Less Than Zero – by Vintage: A group of narcissists spend their paid Hollywood birth time taking drugs behind their porch, drinking, and making love to each other. Basically what you want your youth to be like. The story of unbridled extremism and internally subsequent destruction.
  • Me Talk Pretty One Day – David Sedaris: Did you think it was hard? Sedaris, who grew up gay, Greek, and pellet in the US, North Carolina, tells the story of his youth through a series of hilarious articles. It’s only worth it for their concise one-linen.
  • A House for Mr. Biswas – V.S. Naipaul: As if a House for Mr. Biswas came out in 1961, when its author was just 28, the ambition, humor, and insight in Naipaul’s landmark novel is frankly mind-boggling. Based on Naipaul’s own father, Mohun Biswas is a Hindu Indian who lives in Trinidad and Tobago and follows marriage, parenting, and human grumpiness (not least his) and, of course, negotiating the slingshots and oks of old-fashioned fate. – seeking self-determination. (Oh, even worse, Naipaul started writing this at the age of 25).
  • Norwegian Wood – Haruki Murakami: Everyone should read at least one Murakami (a few, really) and this is there with the best. Toru, the protagonist who heard the Beatles song named after this novel, tells the story of student days in the sixties protesting the status quo. Her relationship with the beautiful but damaged Naoko is a lesson that emotional addiction is not loved.
  • One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest – Ken Kesey: A paranoid schizophrenic imprisoned in a mental hospital tells a story filled with racial tension, sexual oppression, and confronts the treatment of the mentally ill. Ken Kesey wrote this after his experiments with LSD. Showing…
  • The Picture Of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde: Hedonism, arrogance and the selfishness of youth are key to this book. The original smug start, Wilde’s early advanced intelligence, is also a valuable lesson in angering forces.
  • The Stranger (Vintage International): We live in ridiculous times, and absurdity is the subject of The Stranger. In this Nobel prize-winning novel, Albert Camus explores existentialism in a way that only a disgruntled French writer can do. While it’s not exactly read on the beach, The Stranger isn’t as busy as many other books on this list. This short novel, only 159 pages long, contains a powerful message about the absurdity of life.
  • The Joy of Sex: The Timeless Guide to Lovemaking: After Kama Sutra, The Joy of Sex may be the most famous book ever written about sex. The illustrated guide has informed and excited readers since it was first released in 1972. As would be expected from a sex booklet published in the 1970s, there are some old messages in the book that focus on heterosexual sex. Even so, this book is a great resource for couples who want to discover or rediscover the joy of sex.
  • Catch-22: 50th Anniversary Edition: Most of the best books for men are passed during World War II, but Catch-22 is a war novel that defies easy explanations. It’s a maddening and funny book about a bunch of American airmen trying to survive the war, make love, fall in love, and make money. Full of changing perspectives and strange characters, Catch-22 doesn’t look like any other war novel you’ve read. It can be difficult to start this novel; You may need to pick it up and drop it off several times before the story hooks you up. But give it an honest try because this dark, ridiculous comedy definitely belongs in your library.
  • Between the World and Me: Following its publication in 2015, he was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and Ta-Nehisi Coates became one of the most influential thinkers and writers of our time. This book takes the form of a letter to the author’s adolescent son and is a powerful meditation on race in America.
  • A Confederacy of Dunces: This comedy of mistakes is the perfect book for our strange times. This Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, based in New Orleans, revolves around the absolute chaos caused by the life of Ignatius J. Reilly, a rude, ridiculous, morbidly obese virgin, and everyone he meets. Reilly is an ignorant chest, but he’s not stupid. In fact, he’s intelligent and understandable, so this novel by John Kennedy Toole is the perfect novel for our over-educated age, where everyone is convinced that they know exactly what’s best.
  • The Old Man and The Sea: Book Cover May Vary: Hemingway is the only author on this list to appear twice and for good reason. As our ideas of masculinity and gender roles changed, Hemingway embodied traditional masculinity both in his life and in his works. His economic prose influenced writers for generations, and his novel The Old Man and the Sea won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953 (the Nobel Committee also referred to the novel when giving Hemingway the Nobel Prize in Literature). Ostensibly this is a simple story – an elderly Cuban fisherman fighting a giant marlin. Yet this short work of art has a devastating effect on the reader and contains short story volumes. It is a meditation that profoundly affects masculinity, mortality and nature.
  • Slaughterhouse-Five: A Novel: Slaughterhouse-Five is a masterpiece of science fiction and contemporary American literature. It is the most famous work of the American writer Kurt Vonnegut Jr., who personally witnessed the incendiary bombs in Dresden, Germany, while he was held by the Nazis during World War II. This strange and thoughtful book tells the story of the senseless massacre of war through the eyes of the unfortunate Billy Pilgrim, who spent time between the tralfamadore alien zoo and Nazi Germany.

Read More by Alann Rana

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