How to Improve Blog Ranking? Use these steps

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Every blogger thinks to improve his Blog Ranking. He tries to make his blog appear at the top of the search engine. The main reason for doing this would have been to get more traffic to the blog.
But for this, you must first have enough knowledge about search engine optimization (SEO). Without its knowledge, it is very difficult to improve the ranking of your blog in search engines. We have made an article on this subject, which you can do SEO by reading your blog.
Also check, Beginner’s Guide to Optimize Your Website Speed

How to Improve Blog Ranking?

Through this article, you will know about all those tips, by adopting which you will also be able to improve the ranking of your blog. So let’s learn these tips or techniques:
  1. Responsive Theme
  2. Website Security
  3. Website Speed
  4. Optimized Contents
  5. Keyword Research
  6. Quality Backlinks
  7. Permalinks Structure
  8. Social Media
  9. Original Contents
  10. Continuously update contents (Update Contents Regularly)

Responsive Theme

The theme of your website or blog plays an important role in blog ranking. The theme of your blog website should be responsive. This means that whatever theme you have chosen for the blog, it should be mobile and SEO friendly.
If the theme of your blog website is not SEO-friendly, then Google’s search bots include the contents of your blog such as headings, sub-headings, descriptions, images. (Images), etc., are not able to collect clear and accurate information. Bots do not rank your blog in search engines due to insufficient information.
Similarly, if your theme is not mobile-friendly, then the contents of your blog will not show properly in mobile and tablets. Therefore, Internet users will not get a good User Experience. When this happens, Google Bots will not send users (who search your keywords via mobile or tablets) to your blog.
This will cause you to lose the ranking of your blog, along with a potential traffic. Therefore, choose a good Responsive Theme for your blog, which can help your blog in ranking.

Website Security

To rank your blog or website in search engines, you have to take care of its security standards. Because Google displays the Safe and Secure website or blog at the top of its search results. Google does this because it has to protect the interests of Internet users.
To secure your website, you will have to install the SSL Certificate (SSL Certificate) on it. If you have a Free SSL Certificate included in your hosting plan, then install it otherwise you will have to buy it.
After this, all your URLs will be changed from Http to https. This will let Google know that your website is also safe and secure.

Website Speed

Nobody likes to wait; everyone wants their work to be finished as soon as possible. Similarly, when an internet user clicks on your blog, he hopes that the blog opens immediately. If it does not, then it goes to another blog.
According to experts, your blog or website should open within 5 seconds at most. You will lose your visitors if it is longer than this.
You can take the following steps to optimize the speed of your website:
·         Use a minimum of plugins on your website.
·         Just use a simple and attractive theme for your website. Avoid heavy themes.
·         Make sure to use a Cache Plugin, such as – WP Super Cache Plugin
·        By not using too many images.

Optimized Contents

Under this, you have to arrange the contents of your blog in such a way that when a search engine Crawl your blog or content, then it can understand your content and display it at the top of the search results.
For this, you should use the appropriate headings, descriptions, paragraphs, keywords, internal and external links for your article or blog post. You should know which items will be placed where. With this, Google bots will be able to understand your content and your blog ranking will also go up.

Keyword Research

While creating keywords for your blog, you must do some important research related to those keywords. For example, how often is that keyword searched in recent times and how much competition is there for that keyword?
And if your blog is new, then you should only use less competitive keywords. Because old blogs have a higher ranking than new blogs because they have good traffic and good domain authority. In the event of similar keywords, the new blog will be unable to cope with them.

Quality Backlinks

Backlinks mean linking the link or URL of your blog to another blog or website so that anyone accesses your blog through this link or URL. There are two types of benefits by doing this.
First, people get information about your blog and they come to your blog through the backlinks you added. This also increases your traffic.
Second, by adding your URL to another website or blog, Google thinks that another blog or website is referring your blog. This means that your blog has a good reputation and domain authority.
But while creating backlinks to any other website or blog keep in mind that Alexa Ranking of that website is better than Alexa Ranking of your blog, that the website should be protected and secure, spam-free and it should not contain any type of pornographic content.

Permalinks Structure

When you publish an article or blog post, its information is collected as a URL. These URLs are called Permalinks. The shorter and clearer your article URLs is, the better the search engines and people will be able to read and understand them.
On the other hand, if your URLs are not SEO friendly or are too long, the search engine will find it difficult to read they and it may happen that some part of your long URL is cut off in the search results.
In this case, if you include some keywords in the URL, then there is a possibility of missing them. Which can have negative consequences? So keep your URL short and remember to include the required keywords in it.

Social media

Social media contributes a lot to the ranking of your blog. You can share your blog post or article on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc.
On the one hand, you can get very good traffic, on the other hand, if there are too many Likes or Comments on your post or article, and then Google thinks that your blog contents are very good.
Due to this, he starts displaying your blog on good ranking in search results. So do not forget to include social sharing buttons in each of your blog posts or articles.

Original Contents

In order to improve the ranking of your blog, it is very important for blog content to be original. If your content is copied from another website or blog, the ranking of such blogs may not be good.
At present, there are many apps and tools through which you know whether your content is original or not. It also violates copyright policy. So always keep your content original.

Continuously update contents

There are thousands of blogs like your blog on the Internet, which keep writing something all the time. In such a situation, if you do not publish articles or posts on your blog regularly, then the ranking of your blog will decrease day by day.
Therefore it is necessary that you must publish a post or article in at least one week. Along with this, you can also update your old articles.


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